Thursday, November 17, 2011

Africa Project

For the last two class periods, students have been researching and working on their Africa Projects. All students must be completely prepared to present on Monday, Novemeber 28th!

All of the Africa Project materials can be found here.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hotel Rwanda

Students finished watching Hotel Rwanda. We briefly discussed the film. I collected their research questions for the Africa Project.

Rwanda RAFT - Due Tuesday 11/15

Monday, November 7, 2011


Agenda 11/3:
  1. Students began studying the background and context of the 1994 Rwandan genocide.
  2. Students participated in a scavenger hunt including major groups and individuals involved in the genocide.
  3. Students read a story of one victim, Valentina's, survival and the horrors of the genocide. Students read this in order to get a human perspective on the otherwise difficult to comprehend.
  4. Students viewed an interview with the journalist who wrote the above story
  5. To finish, students watched this clip explaining events leading up to the genocide.
Agenda 11/7:
  1. Students completed a concept map connecting the groups involved in the Rwandan genocide.
  2. Students began watching Hotel Rwanda.
AFRICA PROJECT: Research Question DUE - Wednesday 11/9

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Arms Trade and Independence Day in the Congo

Students finsihed watching the film Sierra Leone - Gunrunners about the illegal arms trade. I drew a diagram of how the arms trade works on the board. Students copied it along with matching the groups from our simulation to groups historically involved in the arms trade.

After, students read two speeches given on Congolese Independence Day, June 30, 1960. They compared and contrasted a speech given by the king of Belgium with one by the then Prime Minister of Congo, Patrice Lumumba (pictured above less than a year after independence, months before his assassination, organized and assisted by the United States and Belgium).

Finish UNCRC 1/2 Posters - DUE Thursday 11/3