Friday, February 26, 2010


Students participated in the Laguna simulation of life under colonialism.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


  1. Students finished yesterday's work, selecting different options for African responses to colonialism (see below).
  2. Students began preparing in terms for a simulation of a meeting of the people of the fictitious colony of "Laguna". On Friday, students will give presentations and question the other groups on the issue of whether or not "Laguna" should become independent from colonial rule. Students used these materials to prepare.
Finish Laguna preparations for Friday.
MWH 11.2 DUE Friday

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Scramble for Africa

Students began looking at a series of events from Nigerian history. With each event, students were asked to think from the perspective of people living at the time and choose different actions from a series of options. Students wrote their responses on this worksheet. The scenarios are described on the powerpoint above.

Modern World History Chapter 11, Section 2 DUE Friday 2/26

Monday, February 22, 2010

Responding to Colonialism

Scramble for Africa

Today students participated in a simulation of the scramble by European countries for territory and influence in Africa. Students related their experience to that of Europeans and Africans during the colonial period.

Checkpoint #6 DUE Tomorrow 2/23

Friday, February 19, 2010

Africa Vocab and Two-Voice Poems

Students added vocabulary to their lists - United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Geneva Conventions, Colonialism, Social Darwinism, Scientific Racism, The Berlin Conference. Students then began working on Two-Voice poems. In these poems, they wrote from differing perspectives.

Finish two-voice poems. DUE Monday, 2/22
Modern World History Textbook - Read pgs. 339-344. Answer #3,4,5,7 on pg.344 DUE Monday, 2/22

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Poety And Colonialism

  1. Students finished reading and answering questions from the article, "The Coming of Pink Cheeks".
  2. Students read, "A Small Place" by Jamaica Kincaid. They circled 5 words or phrases that struck them as being powerful or interesting.
  3. Students considered differing perspective on colonialism and made a list of pros and cons.
David Livingstone Worksheet DUE TOMORROW

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Past Week's Calendar

I was out for a few days around the holiday weekend. Here is an outline of the latest lessons and assignments.
  1. Student's viewed a series of slides showing diversity in Africa, taking notes on different aspects of society, culture, and environment. The slides are below.
  2. Students made spoke diagrams illustrating different aspects of three Nigeria ethnic groups.
  3. TODAY - Students began reading "The Coming of Pink Cheeks". They answered reading questions in their logbooks.
WORKSHEET - David Livingstone Explores Southern Africa DUE Fri. 2/19

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Yesterday we discussed the final and students began working on maps of Africa. Today students looked at the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Geneva Conventions.

Africa Maps DUE Fri. 2/5